Tuesday 10 February 2015


I have created a questionnaire to get feedback on my school magazine, I inserted my school magazine titles and what appeals to the customers. I handed my questionnaire out and received them back where I read through the responses and the majority of results I imputed into my school magazine. 

Music Magazine Questionnaire

This is a questionnaire for a music magazine to see what target audience prefer in the magazine.

Please circle the options

1. Are you male, female or other? (Please state)


2. Town of residence: ………………………………………………………………

3. What are your interest and hobbies? (Please state)


4. How often do you read music magazines?

Daily                                                   Monthly                                              Weekly

5. Choose from the following list of titles of magazine;  
  •  Rave

  •   Vibes

  •   Loud

  • Noire

  • S’Jams

  •  Clash

  • Shuffle

  • Golden

  • G’Hits 

  • VM

  • Louded

6. How often do you buy music magazine?

Weekly                  Bi-weekly                      Monthly                       Never                     Not Sure

     7. How many pages would your prefer in a music magazine?

      7-9         10-12        13-15         16-18        19+        Don’t Mind

     Other; ................................................................

    8 . What sort of information about the music would you expect to see advertised/talked about in the music magazine?  (Please circle)

 Concerts and gigs


New releases

Artist’s fashion

Free tickets giveaway

Exclusive images of artist’s

Gossip and news


9. Do you want a magazine that advertises music events?

 Yes   (if yes what sort of events? Please place suggestions in the “other” box)


      Other; (please specify) 

10. What sort of language would you expect to see used in a music magazine?
(E.g. formal, informal etc.)


11. Would you prefer a monthly, weekly or daily music magazine?

     Monthly                            Weekly                           Daily

12. How much will you be willing to spend on music magazines?


13.  Which colour scheme would you prefer for the music magazine?
          (Please tick)

-       Gold, black and red

-       White, black and green

-       Orange, black and red

Thank You For Taking Part In This Survey and I Appreciate Your Responses 

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