Sunday 1 March 2015



My produced final piece of my preliminary task of my school magazine is called ‘The Oasis Academy Weekly’ which includes the typical conservations of a school magazine. Conventions are the widely recognised way of doing something which is to do with content, form and style. There are two types of conventions which consist of symbolic which are an individual’s actions towards something and there is technical which more of the technical side that is mostly associated with music videos as it is the usage of cameras which is what you use in the technical convection area. In my school magazine the convections that are included is firstly my masthead which is very clearly shown in a suitable, bold front which grabs the target audience’s attention. The main central image on my magazine is a primary source which is of three sixth form students from Oasis Academy. The main image was taken by a professional camera and then I captured a medium close up shot (MC SHOT) and then after I used adobe Photoshop to edit my image and this shows that I followed the convection.
For my school magazine front page and content page I selected the edited images from photo shop and then uploaded on publisher in order to create my magazine which then I used tools such as brush tool.

I’ve also included puffs which I’ve inserted underneath my images on the front cover which counter my images within my contents page as well as with my colour scheme.
I have portrayed a more stylish school magazine which includes a main cover image which is positioned on the left side and is large which is not like as a typical school magazine as I wanted to be more unique.  I have used more than one counter image on my front cover page and although this is not typical in magazine it makes it look attractive for the readers.Specific text is also placed on my magazine such as the principle message which is located on the content page this is another typical convection.

On my school magazine front cover, it features media platforms such as Facebook, twitter and website which is a good way to be socially connected.
I have used the mise-en-scene of a school environment successfully as i have included images from the oasis school, in different places. For example i have included images of students in the sports hall and corridor etc. These images portray a strong school setting and it fits in to the concept of this school magazine task well once again.My target audience for this school magazine is both students and parents however varying of Specific age groups. I would also highlight that the magazine is suitable for both genders, of students and parents as Oasis is a mixed school. I think that i have met my target audience standards in the front cover page i produced but partially met in my contents page as i think that the contents page is not as well produced as my front cover. However i believe that they both meet the standards and expectations of my target audience because i have specifically portrayed school setting images to emphasise the purpose of this task.

The evidence to prove the teenage appearance portrayed on my magazine cover shows smart body language and the dress code which highlights that the female is not an ordinary school student but possible a college or sixth form student which is the exact meaning i aimed to get across. The smart attire is more likely to be associated with sixth form grounds which in fact is the reason why i used sixth form students in the process of making. The positioning of the figures in the images shows this through their body language which shows a smart and studying form of body language and shows that the students are hardworking and have the right attitude towards the school which does not make the school look negative in anyway.
Throughout the process of my preliminary task, i have developed several skills and knowledge for producing a magazine front cover and contents page. These skills include using Photoshop, desktop publishing, planning and research of the task and the actual drafts and bringing every single thing together.

In conclusion, i feel strongly proud in completing a magazine cover and contents page to this standard bearing in mind that i have never used Photoshop before in my life, and experimented with this quality desktop publishing software. Considering me as a beginner, I think that this standard of produced work is a great achievement I have gained and using my knowledge in which I have developed during this task, will give me much better results for future tasks given.

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