Saturday 28 March 2015


Pitching my magazine 

Once researching and seeing many music magazines that are related to my chosen media product. I have noticed that the codes and convections are nearly identical to all the music magazine. The similarities between the music magazines were that they all consisted having a specific target audience that they were aiming which appeals to their genre.

My music magazine will be successful in the current marketplace because...  

-          My music magazine would cost only £3.00 which is affordable and a reasonable price due to my magazine being high quality. This will also bring much profit as it is appealing to my target audience.
-          I have used professional equipment’s and taken my photographs in a photography studio and Reece location in order to achieve my high resolution images successfully which will have a high quality effect onto my music magazine.

-          My media product will have a regularity in colour throughout the music magazine. This will ensure that my music magazine would look professional and presentable to a high standard.

-           In order to have a unique selling point for my music magazine I will include opportunities to win competition to concerts, this will attracts more customers especially if the ‘concert’ has a huge fan base. The colours include red, black, white and different shades of gold.

-          I have created my music magazine to have a different layout to all the typical layouts of other media products. I have brought something new and original to the market and it would attract customers as it would appeal to them. My music magazine has a gap in the market as there isn’t a magazine that’s similar to mine.

-          I’ve include cover lines and puffs within my music magazine, this is to ensure I maximize the amount of customers buying my music magazine.

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