Tuesday 3 March 2015


1. What gender are you?



2. State your year group;    (state if you’re a member of staff)




3. Town of residence: ………………………………………………………………



4. How often do you read magazines?


Daily                                                   Monthly                                              Weekly


5. Choose from the following list of titles of magazine;  


·         The Countdown To Summer


·         The Gossip


·         OASP          


·         Back To School


·         School Weekly


·         The Independent Academy


·         Oasis Academy Shirley Park


·         Student Council


·         Teacher2Student



6. How often do you buy a magazine?


Weekly     Bi-weekly      Monthly      Seasonally     Never      Not Sure


* Seasonally = once every term


7. How many pages would your prefer in a school magazine?



4-6         7-9         10-12        13-15         16-18        19+        Don’t Mind






8. What sort of information about the school would you expect to see advertised/talked about in the magazine?  (Please circle)


 Extra-curricular activities (e.g. after school clubs)




Notification on assemblies


Absence of teachers


Exam revision help


Student support (e.g. Question and answers)


School gossip


Canteen menu


9. Do you want a magazine that advertises events outside of school?



 Yes   (if yes what sort of events? Please place suggestions in the “other” box)






      Other; (please specify) 





10. What sort of language would you expect to see used in a college magazine?

(E.g. formal, informal etc.)





11. Would you prefer a monthly or weekly school magazine?



     Monthly                            Weekly                           Daily



12. Would you prefer teacher’s articles or student articles more frequently in the magazine?



  Teachers                             Students                        Both                        



13. How much will you be willing to spend on school magazines?





Or please circle if not sure.


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