Thursday 2 April 2015





















Saturday 28 March 2015


Pitching my magazine 

Once researching and seeing many music magazines that are related to my chosen media product. I have noticed that the codes and convections are nearly identical to all the music magazine. The similarities between the music magazines were that they all consisted having a specific target audience that they were aiming which appeals to their genre.

My music magazine will be successful in the current marketplace because...  

-          My music magazine would cost only £3.00 which is affordable and a reasonable price due to my magazine being high quality. This will also bring much profit as it is appealing to my target audience.
-          I have used professional equipment’s and taken my photographs in a photography studio and Reece location in order to achieve my high resolution images successfully which will have a high quality effect onto my music magazine.

-          My media product will have a regularity in colour throughout the music magazine. This will ensure that my music magazine would look professional and presentable to a high standard.

-           In order to have a unique selling point for my music magazine I will include opportunities to win competition to concerts, this will attracts more customers especially if the ‘concert’ has a huge fan base. The colours include red, black, white and different shades of gold.

-          I have created my music magazine to have a different layout to all the typical layouts of other media products. I have brought something new and original to the market and it would attract customers as it would appeal to them. My music magazine has a gap in the market as there isn’t a magazine that’s similar to mine.

-          I’ve include cover lines and puffs within my music magazine, this is to ensure I maximize the amount of customers buying my music magazine.

Tuesday 3 March 2015


1. What gender are you?



2. State your year group;    (state if you’re a member of staff)




3. Town of residence: ………………………………………………………………



4. How often do you read magazines?


Daily                                                   Monthly                                              Weekly


5. Choose from the following list of titles of magazine;  


·         The Countdown To Summer


·         The Gossip


·         OASP          


·         Back To School


·         School Weekly


·         The Independent Academy


·         Oasis Academy Shirley Park


·         Student Council


·         Teacher2Student



6. How often do you buy a magazine?


Weekly     Bi-weekly      Monthly      Seasonally     Never      Not Sure


* Seasonally = once every term


7. How many pages would your prefer in a school magazine?



4-6         7-9         10-12        13-15         16-18        19+        Don’t Mind






8. What sort of information about the school would you expect to see advertised/talked about in the magazine?  (Please circle)


 Extra-curricular activities (e.g. after school clubs)




Notification on assemblies


Absence of teachers


Exam revision help


Student support (e.g. Question and answers)


School gossip


Canteen menu


9. Do you want a magazine that advertises events outside of school?



 Yes   (if yes what sort of events? Please place suggestions in the “other” box)






      Other; (please specify) 





10. What sort of language would you expect to see used in a college magazine?

(E.g. formal, informal etc.)





11. Would you prefer a monthly or weekly school magazine?



     Monthly                            Weekly                           Daily



12. Would you prefer teacher’s articles or student articles more frequently in the magazine?



  Teachers                             Students                        Both                        



13. How much will you be willing to spend on school magazines?





Or please circle if not sure.


Sunday 1 March 2015




My produced final piece of my preliminary task of my school magazine is called ‘The Oasis Academy Weekly’ which includes the typical conservations of a school magazine. Conventions are the widely recognised way of doing something which is to do with content, form and style. There are two types of conventions which consist of symbolic which are an individual’s actions towards something and there is technical which more of the technical side that is mostly associated with music videos as it is the usage of cameras which is what you use in the technical convection area. In my school magazine the convections that are included is firstly my masthead which is very clearly shown in a suitable, bold front which grabs the target audience’s attention. The main central image on my magazine is a primary source which is of three sixth form students from Oasis Academy. The main image was taken by a professional camera and then I captured a medium close up shot (MC SHOT) and then after I used adobe Photoshop to edit my image and this shows that I followed the convection.
For my school magazine front page and content page I selected the edited images from photo shop and then uploaded on publisher in order to create my magazine which then I used tools such as brush tool.

I’ve also included puffs which I’ve inserted underneath my images on the front cover which counter my images within my contents page as well as with my colour scheme.
I have portrayed a more stylish school magazine which includes a main cover image which is positioned on the left side and is large which is not like as a typical school magazine as I wanted to be more unique.  I have used more than one counter image on my front cover page and although this is not typical in magazine it makes it look attractive for the readers.Specific text is also placed on my magazine such as the principle message which is located on the content page this is another typical convection.

On my school magazine front cover, it features media platforms such as Facebook, twitter and website which is a good way to be socially connected.
I have used the mise-en-scene of a school environment successfully as i have included images from the oasis school, in different places. For example i have included images of students in the sports hall and corridor etc. These images portray a strong school setting and it fits in to the concept of this school magazine task well once again.My target audience for this school magazine is both students and parents however varying of Specific age groups. I would also highlight that the magazine is suitable for both genders, of students and parents as Oasis is a mixed school. I think that i have met my target audience standards in the front cover page i produced but partially met in my contents page as i think that the contents page is not as well produced as my front cover. However i believe that they both meet the standards and expectations of my target audience because i have specifically portrayed school setting images to emphasise the purpose of this task.

The evidence to prove the teenage appearance portrayed on my magazine cover shows smart body language and the dress code which highlights that the female is not an ordinary school student but possible a college or sixth form student which is the exact meaning i aimed to get across. The smart attire is more likely to be associated with sixth form grounds which in fact is the reason why i used sixth form students in the process of making. The positioning of the figures in the images shows this through their body language which shows a smart and studying form of body language and shows that the students are hardworking and have the right attitude towards the school which does not make the school look negative in anyway.
Throughout the process of my preliminary task, i have developed several skills and knowledge for producing a magazine front cover and contents page. These skills include using Photoshop, desktop publishing, planning and research of the task and the actual drafts and bringing every single thing together.

In conclusion, i feel strongly proud in completing a magazine cover and contents page to this standard bearing in mind that i have never used Photoshop before in my life, and experimented with this quality desktop publishing software. Considering me as a beginner, I think that this standard of produced work is a great achievement I have gained and using my knowledge in which I have developed during this task, will give me much better results for future tasks given.

Friday 13 February 2015


1.  In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

It was important to use traditional forms and conventions of existing media products to produce a genuine music magazine. Some of these forms I have developed to create a unique and interesting product so that my product has an exclusive selling point compared to other similar magazines that are on the target market.

I have analysed numerous amount of different existing music magazines and it was clear that the name of the magazine was always placed at the top of the front cover page and sometimes towards the left. I then used this convention throughout my front cover and double page spread as this was a key layout to.

A colour theme is important to give the magazine a sophisticated and structured look however I have noticed that the more colours used, the more crowded and unorganised the magazine looked which does also reflect the rock genre which I am not looking to have for my music magazine as the genre of my magazine is R&B/ hip-hop. My contents page also follows the forms and conventions of a real media product as the contents colour scheme is regular which does relate to the front cover of my music magazine which doesn’t prevent any confusion to my target audience and does look authentic.

The straplines are used to advertise the content on the front cover as it looks bold and appealing. However the straplines are not essentially used in all magazines that you come across. I have noticed they are often used on magazines aimed at a younger audience and teenagers with a more crowded front cover. I have decided to use straplines at the top of my magazine developing typical forms and conventions to make a more appealing and visual front cover, which is what my target audience is looking for.

A convection that many real media product use are puffs which I also included in my music magazine. My puff is a chance to win concerts tickets for 2 for ‘Leanne sheers’ tour. My puff will attract the target audience as the ‘FREE’ would be eye catching to my target audience.

In addition, I have also challenged the convention of the contents page as when I analysed some music magazine contents page the mast head of ‘Content’ was always at the top of the page however, with my contents page I have placed ‘contents’ on the right hand of the page going down across the page. I placed my ‘content’ like this in order for it to look unique from other music magazines. 

 2. How does your media product represent particular social groups? 

My media product represents a group of teenagers to young adults, mainly from the UK, aged around 16-25 years old. I represented my social group firstly through the use of language and mode of address in my music magazine. The mode of address of my magazine is informative but in order to fit my magazine to the lower half of the age group I made it easy for all of my target audience to understand no matter how intellectual they are or not.

My music magazine is aimed at both genders as my magazine include both female and male content that the audience would enjoy reading and also is not biased if it was directly aimed at one type of gender.

My music magazine content is mainly focused around what my target market want such as interviews which I have included and top charts which I found out by doing research and conducted a questionnaire which I received feedbacks from.

In my music magazine the genre are R&B, Hip-hop and rap so therefore I did not include any classical music as from the research I conducted I have found that it was not popular within my age group.

The design of my music magazine is simple as I wanted to make it look elegant and not cluttered and disorganised. However, I did want my music magazine to attract to my audience therefore I used bold colours and unique layouts and used images that are simple but effective. The main cover image of my music magazine is of the celebrity with the double page spread ‘Leanne Sheer’. The main cover is a female and this is a way of sex appeal and get my target audience attracted to my magazine

For my media product, the price I’ve chosen could represent a specific social group for example, as I am targeting my magazine to the everyday teenagers and young adult, they would not spend a lot of money on magazines as they may still be in education or may want to spend money on things which may be better to spend on such as clothes. From using the feedback from my questionnaire the majority of people answered that they would be willing to spend £3 for a music magazine therefore I chose to price my music magazine £3 which seems like a decent price for a magazine as its affordable for a high quality music magazine like mine.

Q) 3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The media institution that I’ve chosen is called ‘Bauer Media Group’. The institution caters over 19 million UK adults every week and has more then 80 media brands such as Kiss 100, 4 Music, Kerrang, Parkers and many more which spans a wide range of interests.

The type of genre that my magazine will be is RnB and Hip-Hop. The reason why I chose this institution is because it has a wide range of brands and magazines that the other institution does not have for example like, IPC, Emap, and Hearst etc.
My target audience that I want my magazine to cater is roughly the age of 16 to 25. I do believe that my institution caters for the target audience that I’ve selected as ‘Bauer Media’ has wide ranges of brands that engages with the audience.

‘Bauer’ would be suitable for my magazine as oppose to ‘IPC Media’ because the institution is more based of music brands however ‘IPC Media’ publish magazine which are more based of TV, News, Sports etc. 

‘Bauer Media’ joined the media group in January 2008 and the group employs around 6,400 people.  They publish a variety of magazines such as Empire, Mojo, and Q etc.

The institution that I’ve selected does use cross media convergence such as radio station such as heat, kiss, magic etc. The institution also has cross media convergence such as TV for example Box, Q. Kerrang, and 4 Music. Etc.

I would distribute my magazine places where people go for transport, for example I would distribute it at places like airports, train station, bus stops. The reason why I chose to distribute my magazine at them places is because they are usually busy and more people are likely to buy a magazine when they are travelling as it would company them through their journey. I also would have a mini stand by each place where the magazine would be sold. I will also distribute my magazine in supermarkets near the till, as it also a place where many people most likely to go to and the reason why I would have my magazine near the till is because its will catch customers attention.

The price of my magazine would be £3.95 each, the reason I chose this price is because my magazine will be made from recycled material which is environmentally friendly and I would like my magazine to be high quality with loads of information and news which will be worth it for the price.

For my magazine, I have considered control and regulation for safety. I will follow the editor’s code of practice in order to maintain a high professional standard.

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

My target audience for my music magazine would be aged between the late teens and their early twenties (16-25), I believe it is suitable for the kind of magazine that I have created, this is backed up further by the price of the magazine, it has to be made affordable because of the ages of the audience as the price is £2 which seems fairly decent. I made sure my target audience would contain a mixture of both females and males as I do not want my music magazine to be stereotypical and promote it more than the other. 

  5. How did you attract/address your audience?

With my music, I attracted and addressed my target audience in many ways, for instance;

Taken professional pictures for my magazine which looks high quality and not juvenile also the use of imagery that has a clear connotation and representation of a typical R&B/Hip-hop music artist however also keeping the originality of my magazine of a youthful look.

Used a people in their late teens to model for me and be in my magazine which related to the target audience as having a child on my main cover image would not address to my target audience.

 Bold titles and masthead to draw the attention of the target audience. Using colours which suit both genders for example the colour gold and black.

-        Making sure the colour scheme is consistent throughout my music magazine to avoid any confusions or distractions.

-        The use of variety of bold and vibrant colours and the use of extreme style of text included in my magazine. 

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? 

Throughout the process of creating my media product I have gained many abilities using different technologies. The equipment’s that I had used were the mac computers, cameras and adobe Photoshop.
Photoshop was one of my main technology I worked with over the process of my media product. The Photoshop program was very difficult in beginning as I have never used it since my preliminary task which I didn’t feel like I used Photoshop well. Photoshop was very hard to get use to and was very stressful throughout the whole process of my media product however, without Photoshop my media product would be very poor as it mainly consisted in using the program to edit photos etc. in addition, The Photoshop tool came in extremely useful in the construction of my media product and was the handiest tool we were provided with as I used it a lot to edit my photos.

Throught the process of constructing my music magazine, I also learnt how to use powerpoints, publishers and word much better. As i did most of my research using the programs. 

The image that I have used for my double page spread was not taken with a plain background instead, it was taken outdoors. By using Photoshop I used brush tool by changing the background to white and gave a faded background and reason why I did not crop the background one instead was due to it looking messy and the edges would not be refined so instead I used the brush tool which made me feel satisfied with the background. I then blemished the face by using the healing tool brush and also the spot healing brush. After, I used the brush tool again and selected the shade black to add more eyeliner to make it more bold and also I changed the colour by using the eyedropper tool and selected the eyebrows which automatically gave me the same colour which them I used to go over the eyebrows and make them more bold and neat.

Overall, throughout the construction of my media product i have gained the ability to use many different technologies which are helpful in the media industry, all of which came in unbelievably handy in the production of my magazine and will help with other things over time.

7.  Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back on my preliminary task, I have learnt various new technical skills as well as how to create a successful media product. During my preliminary task, my product was very bland and included much creativity. However, in my full product I have ensured a consistent colour scheme in order for all my pages to look as though they’re from the same magazine.

My school magazine looked very crowded whereas my full product has a small amount of writing to match my style model of Q! However, still looked like a legitimate magazine. I feel that since my preliminary task I have progressed as beforehand I did not really understand how to attract an audience successfully.

My contents page looked dull and looked like it was something you would see on a newspaper as there wasn’t much colour that attracts to the audience. However in the full task I ensured that my contents page fit in with my cover using eccentric colours effectively.

I believe that my final product looks a lot more professional and elegant as I think this is because I had a style model to follow as well as research I had done on various other magazines

My preliminary task helped me to reflect on what I was doing wrong so that I could improve this within my final magazine. I realised that image quality and model choice was important, in my school magazine I used blurred images however my final product images were better quality.

The layout of my magazine was also important. My preliminary task did not have a specific layout causing it to look disorganised and unprofessional, to ensure my final product could be sold next to huge magazines such as Q! I tried to follow the layout of my style model in order to create a genuine feel to my product.

My Photoshop skills lacked at the beginning of the course however after the preliminary task I was able to learn how to use various tools such as blur and brush tool, this helped as I used these on my final product.

With my school magazine, it was target to a small audience however, my final media product is aimed more to a wider audience as it is within the age group of 16-25.
Having an audience feedback to create my media product helped me be able to create a successful product.

In addition, overall after creating my preliminary task I made sure that my final media product had majority of the forms and conventions for a music magazine.